2023 BCP environmental questionnaire webinar (CN)/ 2023BCP环境问卷线上研讨会(中文) Webinar
Meeting language: Chinese
• 了解气候变化的发展及外界期望:介绍气候变化的科学背景,政府监管部门对出版行业的要求,及出版商对纸厂和供应商的期待。
• 认识自身环境表现:解读环境调查问卷主页仪表盘数据、标识及环境表现成熟度。
• 共同探索改进方向:图书链项目组将分享提升环境表现的相关资源,同时邀请到纸厂和供应商代表分享在节能、节水、减排方面的优秀实践。
• 问答环节:回答纸厂和供应商对于环境问卷及图书链项目的问题。
在全球对气候变化的日益关注下,Book Chain Project 图书链项目组于2020年更新了图书链项目环境调查问卷,在新版问卷中添加了有关能源消耗、温室气体排放、水处理和生产废料处理的相关问题。
时间:2023年3月29日 北京时间 下午2点至3点半
- 如您已为BCP用户,请先登录系统,再进行注册。
- 请完整填写您的公司名称,会后我们将统计参会者名单发送至出版商。
- 请在3月22日前完成报名,如在问答环节有任何希望我们作答的问题或对注册有任何问题,请联系Rebecca.luo@carnstone.com。
本次报名由凯嵘管理咨询(上海)有限公司(简称凯嵘)处理环境调查问卷线上研讨会报名的信息。由于我们使用Book Chain Project (bookchainproject.com) 平台收集报名信息,请详见Book Chain Project的隐私政策https://bookchainproject.com/privacy。报名收集到的个人信息将储存在凯嵘公司内部作为项目资料保存,结果仅用于环境调查问卷线上研讨会使用,不会用于其他用途。当会议不再需要报名信息时,我们将销毁或删除它。报名视为您已同意凯嵘的信息处理规则。关于本次问卷信息处理有任何问题请联系: Rebecca.luo@carnstone.com.。
The webinar will include:
• External development and expectation: introduction to the scientific context of climate change and why publishing and paper sectors should care about it; the latest development and publisher's expectations for mills and suppliers.
• Understand your own performance: help audience understand their environmental performance using the EQ data and labels, and introduce the environmental questionnaire maturity model.
• Improve your performance: BCP team to share relevant experiences and resources. Case studies from mills and suppliers.
• Q&A: BCP team to answer any questions regarding the BCP EQ and the BCP project in general.
With the global urgency in tackling climate change, the Book Chain Project (BCP) team have refreshed the Environmental Questionnaire (EQ) in 2020, adding more emphasis and new questions on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as an update to the water and waste sections.
In 2022, we held a webinar to introduce the context of the EQ and why is it important for publishers, topics covered in the EQ, how to calculate and collect data, in order to guide mills and suppliers to complete the EQ with confidence.
Based on the mills and suppliers' EQ submission, performance analysis, and questions that we are frequently asked, we are holding another webinar (primarily for Chinese mills and suppliers) to address some issues that we know mills and suppliers care about.
Webinar time: 29 March 2023 14:00 - 15:30 (UTC+08:00) Beijing
The Webinar will be held virtually and the registered users will receive the webinar joining details a week before the webinar date.
We recommend mills and suppliers to send people responsible for HSE or environmental management to join the webinar.