
Our reports, documents and tools share what we have learnt about better book supply chains.

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Book Chain Project Environment Report 2022-23

Book Chain Project Environment Report 2022-23

11 Nov 2024

We are excited to release the second edition of the Book Chain Project Environment Report, which provides insights into the publishing industry’s environmental performance. This report contains aggregated data from mill and supplier Environmental Questionnaires, covering a range of important environmental topics, including GHG emissions, energy intensity, water use, and waste management.

This report offers greater data coverage than the first edition as the measurement and reporting of environmental activities become more commonplace.

Key highlights from the report include:

  • GHG Emission Intensity Factors: The report includes location-based GHG emission intensity factors at country, subregional, and regional levels. Publishers can use these factors to calculate their Scope 3 emissions from paper or print when site-specific data is unavailable. Mills and suppliers can benchmark their GHG intensity against industry peers.
  • Energy Use: Detailed information on energy intensity, fuel mix, renewable energy share, and energy efficiency case studies helps readers understand the regional differences in energy use and the steps being taken to reduce energy consumption and transition to renewable energy sources.
  • Water Use and Wastewater Treatment: The report provides insights into water intensity, measures to reduce water consumption, and wastewater treatment improvements. It highlights the efforts of mills and suppliers to set and achieve reduction targets.
  • Case Studies: Throughout the report, case studies offer practical examples and inspiration for mills and suppliers to further reduce their environmental impact.

If you have any questions about the Environment Report, please get in touch with Victoria.

Supplier Code Of Conduct

Supplier Code Of Conduct

Technical Document
18 Oct 2024

The Book Chain Project provides a publishing industry Code of Conduct for labour and environmental standards. It states the publishers’ commitments to their suppliers and what they expect from their suppliers in return. The Code of Conduct is based on existing internationally-recognized Codes and Laws. Suppliers that do not already have an ethical audit can ask for a SMETA audit that is audited against this Code of Conduct.

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BCP Environmental Questionnaire: Offline Excel Version (Mills)

1 Aug 2024

This is an updated excel spreadsheet which contains the questions covered by the Environmental Questionnaire. This excel tool can be used to gather the EQ data before entering it into the system.

Please note, whilst we have added guidance and highlighted conditionals (e.g. further questions appear based on previous input), it is not possible to build all of the interactive features of the online EQ into excel and therefore some features are missing (e.g. breakdown match total checks).

BCP Environmental Questionnaire: Offline Excel Version (Suppliers)

1 Aug 2024

This is an updated excel spreadsheet which contains the questions covered by the Environmental Questionnaire. This excel tool can be used to gather the EQ data before entering it into the system.

Please note, whilst we have added guidance and highlighted conditionals (e.g. further questions appear based on previous input), it is not possible to build all of the interactive features of the online EQ into excel and therefore some features are missing (e.g. breakdown match total checks).

London Seminar 2024 Agenda

27 Jun 2024

We are looking forward to seeing you all in Central London (Lumier London LTD; Underwood Lofts - The Palm Room; 6-14 Underwood Street; London N1 7JQ) for our annual Seminar series . The theme we will be exploring this year is “Lifting the Cover: The Age of Transparency and Supply Chain Collaboration”, highlighting how regulation and other drivers are pushing for increased transparency, necessitating further and deeper collaboration across supply chains. There will also be opportunities to catch-up and network with representatives from the BCP publishers, pulp & paper mills, printers, NGOs and relevant industry groups.

Biodiversity Risk Tool

1 May 2024

This tool assesses the biodiversity risk of the location of the sources that make up paper brands, based on WWF's Biodiversity Risk Filter. This tool is an update to the original BCP Biodiversity Risk tool.

The tool belongs to Carnstone but is freely available to download and use. Please do credit Carnstone Partners Ltd if you reproduce the results or methodology of the tool.

Forest Country Risk

Forest Country Risk

17 Apr 2024

The Forest Country Risk tool is integral to the Book Chain Project forest source grading system. It assesses the risk of deforestation (loss of forest cover) and transhipment (importing of timber from countries with deforestation risk) at a country-level.

The tool belongs to Carnstone but is freely available to download and use. Please do credit Carnstone Partners Ltd if you reproduce the results or methodology of the tool.

Find out more about how we use the tool to assess forest risk.

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Labour and Environment Risk Tool - for publishers

7 Mar 2024

A credible supplier due diligence process begins with assessing and segmenting your suppliers based on risk. This risk tool has been developed to help you do just this. The tool assesses both country level risk and supplier level risk for both environmental and labour rights/health and safety, and you can use it to assess risk across 15 direct supplier types in every country.

The tool belongs to Carnstone but is freely available to download and use. Please do credit Carnstone Partners Ltd if you reproduce the results or methodology of the tool.

The Labour and Environment Risk Tool was updated in March 2024

GHG Emissions Calculation: Guidance for the Publishing Industry

GHG Emissions Calculation: Guidance for the Publishing Industry

Technical Document
30 Nov 2023

This document provides detailed guidance for publishers to calculate GHG emissions in their own operations and upstream and downstream value chains. It includes methodologies and examples consistent with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard, for calculating emissions of each Scope and Category.

London Seminar 2023 Agenda

30 Jun 2023

We are looking forward to being back at the beautiful London Wetland Centre (Queen Elizabeth Walk, London SW13 9WT) for our annual Seminar, with the theme Transparency: an Open Book. We'll explore the increasing expectations on companies to gather, share and disclose information on their sustainability impacts across the value chain. There will also be opportunities to catch-up and network with representatives from the publishers, pulp & paper mills, printers, and NGOs involved in the BCP.

Book Chain Project Environment Report 2020-21

29 Nov 2022

This is the first report of its kind, providing aggregated information about the publishing industry’s environmental performance. This includes location-based GHG emission intensity factors, at country, regional and continental level.

The report has been informed by data collected through mill and supplier Environmental Questionnaires and covers a range of environmental topics, from GHG emissions and energy intensity to water and waste management. The report is full of useful information, and we’d like to highlight a few key points of interest:

  • The report contains GHG intensity factors that publishers can use to calculate their Scope 3 emissions from paper or print, if site-specific emissions data doesn’t exist; and mills and suppliers can use to benchmark their own GHG intensity against those of their peers;
  • Information about energy use (energy intensity, fuel mix, share of renewables and energy efficiency case studies) helps readers understand how energy use differs across countries and regions, and what steps mills and suppliers are taking to reduce energy use and switch to renewable energy;
  • Information about water use and wastewater treatment (water intensity, measures to reduce water consumption, and reduction targets) helps readers understand the steps mills and suppliers are taking to reduce water consumption and improve wastewater treatment;
  • The report contains case studies throughout, which can help inspire mills and suppliers about potential ways they can further reduce their impacts on the planet.

*The calculations on page 6 of this report were updated on 07/12/22 *

Species Risk Tool

10 Nov 2022

This tool assesses species risk for tree species commonly used in paper-making, based on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendices.

The tool belongs to SLR but is freely available to download and use. Please do credit SLR Consulting Ltd if you reproduce the results or methodology of the tool.

Design Guide for the publishing industry

Design Guide for the publishing industry

9 Nov 2022

In keeping with the aims of the Book Chain Project, we have created the Design Guide to help all actors involved in the design decision making process to make informed decisions about the materials and / or processes they are using. The Design Guide covers a number of different materials and processes and scores them based on their environmental and health & safety or labour impact, as well as their recyclability. In 2022, we updated the Design Guide to include emissions factor data for five key materials and processes.

January 2024 update: the The German Publishers and Booksellers Association (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels) Sustainability Working Group (IG Nachhaltigkeit) asked the Book Chain Project for permission to translate the Design Guide into German. They have done so, and have made minor changes and edits where they feel it fits their German-speaking audience. We have made this version of the Design Guide available too.

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2022 London Seminar Agenda

4 Jul 2022

USA Seminar 2022

31 May 2022

After two years of lockdowns, isolation and online meetings, we are so excited to finally meet in person with our US-based publishers, mills, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

This year's theme is "Two Sides to the Story". We often think of the industry's impacts on sustainability challenges, but are increasingly also facing the impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss and other issues as an industry.

The Seminar will be an informal afternoon with guest speaker presentations and opportunities for networking and catching up. We will be sharing more details on the agenda in the following weeks.

Attendance is by invitation for the stakeholders involved with the Book Chain Project. Please get in touch if you'd like to attend.

Open letter: support in measuring and reducing the environmental footprint of the global publishing industry

20 Jan 2022

Open letter signed by Production Directors of 18 Publishers participating in the Book Chain Project, requesting paper and print suppliers to support the measurement and reduction of the environmental footprint of the global publishing industry by providing information through the Book Chain Project's Environmental Questionnaire.

Environmental Questionnaire: maturity model

7 May 2021

This model describes how mature a site is in tracking, reporting and managing their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) footprint through the BCP Environmental Questionnaire.

Certification Robustness

27 Mar 2021

This document critically evaluates the robustness of the two main forest certification systems – FSC and PEFC – in ten countries. We started by building up an overview of country-specific forest risks for each country based on reputable sources such as Chatham House, Preferred by Nature and Earthsight. We then assessed the applicable FSC and PEFC standards against the country risk profile, highlighting key gaps.

The countries included are: Brazil, Czech Republic, Hungary, Indonesia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, and Ukraine.

We recommend that this document is used to understand the level of certification robustness in priority countries, as a basis for setting sourcing policies based on a company's risk appetite.

Impact Report 2006-2020

Impact Report 2006-2020

31 Jul 2020

This report summarises the impact achieved by the Book Chain Project over the past 15 years. It traces the history of the Book Chain Project, from 3 separate tools to one collaborative project building better book supply chains; looks at our reach; summarises our work and impact across the 3 workstreams; describes our collaborations; and ends with a look at the future.

CDP Forests - How to achieve leadership

Briefing Document
12 May 2020

The high-profile clearance of the Amazon rainforest late last year and the Australian bushfires this year made headlines around the world, putting deforestation at the top of the agenda. Together with NGOs, investors are pushing for greater transparency and action on this issue from businesses through investor-led initiatives such as CDP. This document looks into the annual CDP reporting process and what is required of a company to be considered a leader in the CDP Forests questionnaire.

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