A team of researchers from 15 universities — led by the University of Maryland and assisted by Google and NASA — has created the first high-resolution global map on Google Earth that maps forest cover. In a study that was published in the journal Science on Thursday, the researchers reported a global loss of 2.3 million square kilometers of forest between 2000 and 2012 and a gain of 800,000 square kilometers of new forest, the highest rate of deforestation of any country.
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Indonesia has had the fastest rate of deforestation over the past 12 years
Forest change mapped by Google Earth
Google Earth has helped to create a new high-resolution global map of forest loss and gain, with a resolution of 30m. In the twelve years that the map spans (2000 – 2012), the Earth lost enough trees to cover the UK six times. It isn’t all bad news however - Brazil cut their annual forest loss in half between 2003-4 and 2010-11.
Google Technology to Help Prevent Deforestation
A partnership between Google, the University of Maryland and the UN Environment Programme will launch Global Forest Watch 2.0, an interactive, real-time forest monitoring system, later this year. The tool will combine satellite and remote sensing technology with human on-the-ground networks. Google Earth will provide forest cover information and people in the field will be able to download information to mobile devices and also upload coordinates and photographs from the ground. The intention is that this will address some of the previous challenges of out-of-date information, high costs and technical challenges faced by those monitoring forests.
Google Mapping Tool Shows Impacts of Deforestation on Indonesia’s Sumatra Island
The Google Earth Outreach team has awarded a grant to Eyes on the Forest and WWF to host, store and manage map data on Sumatran rainforest. The tool will incorporate a number of layers including forest loss over time, species distribution, conservation intervention priority areas, restoration priority areas, degraded lands and government protected areas. Eyes on the Forest and WWF hope that the data can be used to urge decision-makers to take steps to protect natural forests.